Saturday, October 24, 2009


Hello out there!!!!
Sorry that I haven't blogged in awhile. I have been busy as USUAL!!!! So Jessica is coming up today for dinner....I have tons of homework and cleaning to do. My life is so busy all the time. I wish sometimes that it could slow down a little so that I can catch up...I want you all to know what happened last week:
Monday- I had Speech and English. Nothing too exciting to report..the same old, same old.. off from work
Tuesday- I skipped swim class, and went to counseling and stats. I worked at Spinelle and came home. My brother was in town to do some training and of course we's what we do..don't ask why...I don't even know why.
Wednesday-I went to Speech and English. Off of work for that day and we went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate my dad's birthday.(It's really on Friday)
Thursday- I went to school and watched Angelo.
Friday- I went to English. I went home, grabbed a bite to eat, and went to work. At work we had a rep in to talk to us....Not the best day at work but ok....Long story regarding usps. I also ripped off a hang-nail and it ripped off some of my quick too..IT HURTS!!!
Then today....chores and homework are on the schedule...
Well that is all for today...Make sure that you check out the quiz that I stole from Jaclyn below...and fill one out too!
P.S. The usual What I'm loving this week:
1-The Chanel Bag ....same as the past week...
2-youtube gurus and their advice(just ask me sometime what specific ones I like)
3-Sunny Days:)
4-Family time
5-Causal days at Spinelle
6- Cupcakes from Sift
8- Cuddling with the doggy.

A little quiz I stole from Jaclyn

Here are the rules:

You Can Only Use One Word!

Pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers!

Alert them that you have given them this award!

Have fun!

1. Where is your cell phone? Bed

2. Your hair? Brunette

3. Your mother? Comforting

4. Your father? Loving

5. Your favorite food? Mexican

6. Your dream last night? None

7. Your favorite drink? Pepsi

8. Your dream/goal? teacher

9. What room are you in? kitchen

10. Your hobby? Youtube

11. Your fear? Heights

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Teacher

13. Where were you last night? Home

14. Something that you aren’t? Excited

15. Muffins? Chocolate

16. Wish list item? Chanel

17. Where did you grow up? Napa

18. Last thing you did? Laundry

19. What are you wearing? PJ's

20. Your TV? Off

21. Your pet? Pills

22. Friends? Love

23. Your life? Busy

24. Your mood? Tired

25. Missing someone? Janelle

26. Vehicle? Saturn

27. Something you’re not wearing? Socks

28. Your favorite store? Macy*s

29. Your favorite color? Pink

30. When was the last time you laughed? Yesterday

31. Last time you cried? Wednesday

32. Your best friend? Aisha

33. One place that I go to over and over? Starbucks

34. One person who emails me regularly? Aeropostale

35. Favorite place to eat? Azzuro

I want to pass this onto Janelle, Jessica, Meredith(Janelle can you pass it off for me?), and any others....GO FOR IT!LOVE YA:)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

5AM Flat Tire!!!!

Hey guys really quick.....I just wanted to let you know that I experienced my first flat tire today at 5AM going to swim class out at the college. I didn't realize that it was flat...I was driving and heard some noises but thought that it was just my bag rolling around.....then I smelled burning rubber, and I knew that it had to be the tire...RIGHT? So stupid me, I was worried about getting to class so i continued to drive to the college.....I
was close at that point. I got in the parking lot and looked at my tires and sure enough my right rear tire was flat:( I went down to the pool, called my mom, told my coach, and then called AAA. They came out like 30 minutes later and put the spare on.....I then went to my classes, drove home, then went to a local tire shop to get it fixed..
well busy day...huh?
I have to go and work on my homework before I babysit Angelo......
Talk to you soon,
P.S This is not a real picture of my car's tire....I got it at:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Heart attack bars and procrastination

Wooo hooooo It's Sunday!!!!!! Sorry super excited...Idk why...LOL so anyways I am getting ready to have a presentation this week for speech....FUN....NOT. My presentation in counseling went partner's poster blew mine out of the water..not cool:( but anyways.I turned in an essay last week and also a math exam and lab. I hate Stats, like seriously..HATE IT!
Today my mom and I went to get a meatball sub to split and a couple of cups of was great! I then went to Target then to Raleys. My mom made Heart Attack Bars....WOWSA!!!! Super tasty......I realized that I want to be the fatter version of Rachel Zoe for I die. Bananas!!!!lol LOve her....
I watch little man this week for sure....and work Friday and Tuesday....My aunt and uncle are coming from Idaho on Friday to see us and then Jessica Rosemary is coming on Sunday....YAY!!! Can't wait to see you ya.
so that is all my blogging buddies!!!
LOve ya
P.S. As usual what I am obsessing over this week:
1.Rachel Zoe's show
2. The Chanel purse that was from last week's blog....I HAVE TO HAVE THAT BAG!!!!!!!
3. Furry Boots(the shorter ones...I'm getting a pair today at Target)
5. Hamsa necklace(the hand with the keeps away bad things supposedly)
6.Chanel's Vamp Nail colour still.....(I do not own it but want it)
7. Mac make up brushes
8. YouTube...i'm obsessed with watching!!!
9.North Face fleece jackets...I asked my bro to get me one....let's see if he will
10. Santana Row......I LOVE it super crowded all the time but so much fun!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

College and Work

Hey Guys sorry I haven't updated my blog in awhile...I have been super busy/stressed out to the max with college due dates, tests, and quizzes....So to fill you in I got an A on my last take-home math quiz, a D(ewwww) on my last math test. I have two speeches coming up. One is for Counseling/College Success class next Tuesday about what students should do when their instructor doesn't teach with their preferred learning style(Kinesthetic, Auditory, Visual, Feeling,etc)....and my other presentation is in Speech and it's a group project. We are talking about restaurants. I have a new Speech teacher, Tia Madison. She just got back from maternity leave. She is a good teacher. English is going well, and I have an essay due on Monday.(Exemplification) FUN!!!!!Not. :) I hate getting up at 5:15 Am for Tuesday/Thursday swim class......
I have been working for Spinelle and Kimi. It is going well so far. I love to be back with the jewels and I absolutely LOVE little man, Kimi, and Aaron. It is so much fun to work for them and get to spend some time with them.... this week I didn't babysit because Kimi is getting ready for a trip to North Carolina and wanted to spend time with Ang.
Finally, today I got my nails done and am so excited to see another episode of Vampire Diaries... YAH!!!! Love it!!! We(my mom and I) have been watching Rachel Zoe. We completely love her show and sense of fashion..... We are going to go antiquing to search for vintage jewelry pieces.... (like cocktail rings and such)
Thanks for reading. I can't guarantee when the next time it will be until I blog again...but I will try to update it as best I can....
XOXO Lauren
P.S. What I am loving this week:
-Chanel's Vamp nail colour
-Flower rings
- I LOVE Chanel!!!(Love the bag that Lauren Conrad has)* the picture on top.
-The quote, "I Die. I literally Die."-Rachel Zoe...super funny:)
* The picture was found at: